Friday, November 2, 2018

Introduction to this blog

Hello to all who come across this blog!

My name is the Thing that Thinks ( or Mr. Thinks to those of you that prefer formality).

In this blog I will discuss two main things: Primarily, I will discuss philosophy its self. By this I mean things that are explicitly philosophical, every school of thought in philosophy from the pre-Socratics up to contemporary philosophy, every question they asked, every answer they came up with.

My goal for this blog is to attempt to cover the canon of western philosophy (with some biases to those topics that are within my area of interest/knowledge) in decent detail.

When I say I wish to cover the canon of western philosophy, I do not mean that I plan on writing a history of philosophy, as I am concerned little for cataloguing the dates and times that things took place, but marking down in time each of the most significant philosophers throughout history, and analyzing both them and their philosophy in detail.

This will not be in any particular order, I will possibly arrange it later as I develop this blog (if I ever become savvy enough to learn how to arrange posts, as this is the first time I have made/used a blog), but for the most part it will merely be what I feel like writing about on a particular occasion.

Secondly, I will discuss other artistic capacities in an interpretive philosophical manner, these topics being art, literature, music and film (and possibly comedy/meme culture). These may border on esoteric occasionally, as I will only cover those things that I have found in my searches, or those things that catch my eye the most.

With that being said, I look forward to beginning my writings!